Saturday, February 8, 2014

Triqui Cultural Survival

Cultural survival is process of people preserving their culture and maintaining their traditional way of life. This process is done through rituals that have been in place for many decades and ceremonies that praise certain gods. The performance of these celebrations make the Triqui people really who they are. It brings the people together on certain occasions to perform traditions that their ancestor performed many years ago.

Much has changed in the past 2 decades. Many individuals have migrated north to seek opportunity in northern Mexico and the United States. The migration process lands these people in California where they try to find work in the agricultural field. With many men and woman moving north it makes it difficult for the people to maintain farm lands and  the completion of daily tasks in the towns. The workers are leaving their land to seek something people and are abandoning their crops.

The struggle of holding on to their culture will only get harder when more and more people decide to migrate to the states.


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